Wednesday, February 6, 2008

GCO files amicus brief in support of Heller


I'm laughing so hard I'm crying Skippy's List of things not allowed in the Army.

No time to blog

I wish I had more time to blog.

What with working ten-hour days, spending weekends with the girlfriend, and sleeping my mandatory 80 hours a week, I barely even have time to think about my blog.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich?

Like the kids in South Park, I'm torn.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday. I'm supposed to go exercise my right to vote. Make my voice heard. Change the course of the country with a pull of a lever (well, now, it's a touch on a screen, but I digress.)

Like the vote of one intelligent person is going to be heard over the rabble of mindless morons who vote based on what the candidates look like. Or whose name sounds funnier.

If you're not sure what the title refers to, the kids in South Park, Colorado were forced to vote on a new school mascot. (It's a TV show.) They had to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

With the current crop of GOP candidates, I feel the same way.

First, some analysis of their stance on my key issues, then why I wouldn't vote for any of them.


Ron Paul: Definitely the best of the bunch. Very pro-2A.
Fred: Hell yeah!
Huck: Eh. Why not? As long as I'm not a reporter on a hunting trip with him.
McCain: I don't know, and I don't care... just looking at the man creeps me out.
Romney: Will tell you whatever you want to hear to get your vote. As governor of Massachusetts, he signed into law a permanent "assault weapons" ban, but has stated that he will veto any gun-control bill that comes across his desk as President, including a renewal of the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban. Do I believe what he says, or what he's done?


Ron Paul: Haven't gotten a real straight answer on this one yet, but I know he's in favor of lower taxes, as am I.
Fred: Hell Yeah!
Huck: I like the "fair tax" but he's just another tax and spend "conservative".
McCain: I don't know, and I don't care... just looking at the man creeps me out.
Romney: Will tell you whatever you want to hear to get your vote. I didn't listen when he was talking about money, because I didn't care.


Ron Paul: Looks like Ian McKellen playing Magneto in X-Men. Just a bit scary.
Huckabee: When fascism comes to the US, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. Anyone who dedicates their life to talking to their imaginary friend in the sky has problems.
McCain: I don't know, and I don't care... just looking at the man creeps me out.
Romney: Will tell you whatever you want to hear to get your vote. Too clean, too polished. Too pretty.

So... the only two GOP candidates I could vote for in good conscience are Ron Paul and Fred Thompson. Unfortunately, Ron Paul wasn't adopted by the media, and a lot of "mainstream" conservatives think he's a nut job. And Fred (who was my #1, #2, #3, and #4 choice) dropped out.

Which leaves me... Huckabee (crazy religious nutso), McCain (turd sandwich), and Romney (giant douche, and oh yeah did I happen to mention he's a Mormon and those people scare me).

Maybe I'll vote for Hitlery.