So I've been low-carbing it for a few days now. Yesterday was the last day of my low carb cycle and today is HIGH CARB DAY!!!!!
Eating less than 60 carbs a day while still maintaining muscle mass and working out every day is extremely difficult. The majority of my carbs were coming from breakfast and were in the form of brown rice, which should last me all day, right? Wrong. Come 3 or 4 in the afternoon the honey buns were looking mighty good, as was anything else sweet or starchy. I did get a minor carb burst every afternoon in the form of some strawberries in my protein shake but they didn't help much.
Seems like the first couple nights were the worst. I'm used to taking a break at work between 7 and 8 in the evening and eating typically a turkey sandwich (on whole wheat bread) and a little something sweet. Can't do that any more.
The "mental fog" most people have on a low carb diet didn't affect me. I dunno, maybe I'm immune. Or maybe I'm far smarter than most morons who post on the Internet. Take your pick.
High carb day is gonna be fun. Instead of my usual 6 fried eggs in the morning, I had 2 fried egg sandwiches. I'm thinking... "I LOVE fried egg sandwiches! With a little mayo, and a little ketchup, and a slice of cheese, it'll be just like Mom used to make every Sunday for lunch."
Fried egg sandwiches on white bread are frakking awesome.
I can't have white bread.
Let's put it this way... I'd rather not even have the bread if I have to eat a fried egg sandwich on whole wheat EVER again. I'll pass, thanks.
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